
Why Hanover?

My wife and I both grew up in Hanover Township. Her parents still live six houses down the street from us. I have fond memories of my old home on Old Oxford Rd. My brother Ray would sneak over to the Holiday Drive-In during the day and turn up the speakers so we could sit on our porch and watch movies.

Shortly after Teresa and I were married we began our search for a new home. Hanover Township was our first choice. Hanover Township maintains that unique rural atmosphere we knew as children. This is something I hope to maintain for our Township..

Why Hanover Township Trustee? Why now?

As many Hanover Residents may know Tim Derickson was recently elected to represent our district on the Ohio House of Representitives. This requires Tim's postion on the township board to be placed before the voters of our township this November to choose someone to fill his unexpired term for the remaining two years of his four year term.

Why Mike?

I bring a diverse experience that is well suited to Township administration. For the past 29 years I have worked at the Butler County Auditors Office, currently serving as Chief Deputy Auditor. For a short time in 2008 I was appointed by the County Commissioners to serve as Interim County Auditor. This postion requires a sound knowledge of the complex funding formulas used for Real Estate, Manufactured Homes, Personal Property taxes, and Local government funds that provide a major source of funding to the township.
I also have experience as a trustee on a board directors having served for 10 years on the Butler County Farm Bureau Board, and I am currently serving my sixth year as Hanover Townships representative on Butler Rural Electric's Board of Directors.
As a Volunteer in the community I have served on the county extension advisory committe, spent 15 years as a volunteer Deputy Sheriff on the Butler County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol, and currently serve as Chairman of Hanover Township's Memorial Park Board.

Why Mike? Because of my love of Hanover. Hanover is where I grew up, and the place where I wanted to raise my own family.
Because I wish for Hanover to stay a family friendly place.


Mike Michael J Tilton
Hanover Twp, Ohio
Contact me



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